Sunday, December 15, 2019

Humans Free Essays

Humans like to be treated equally and fairly. Whats different about animals? Just like humans animals should be able to live their life not having to worry about being slaughtered every second of the day. The first argument for why people should not eat animals is for the reason that animals can feel pain, sorrow, happiness, and grief just like humans can. We will write a custom essay sample on Humans or any similar topic only for you Order Now Yet we treat them differently because they don’t have the capability of communicating. Humans are the most dominant and sophisticated creatures on earth and target animals because they are incapable of demanding their freedom and happiness. Dirk verbeuren once said â€Å"Every living creature has the right to live ethically† This statement is indisputable however only 31 percent of the worlds population truly believes that. Many people assume that animals have no feelings and emotions due to the fact that they cant speak in a language humans can understand. In 1995 masson j. Mccarthy wrote â€Å"When elephants weep: The emotional lives of animals†. This book talks about the emotions elephants feel and the way humans treat them. This book makes our population truly think about how we treat animals as a whole. The average american meat-eater is responsible for the abuse and death of 90 animals per year. Becoming a vegetarian will save the lives of many innocent animals. The second reason on why people should not eat animals is because of the effect it has on the environment. Livestock alone counts for more tham 14% of greenhouse gas emissions. A vegan of vegetarian diet could cut those emissions by 70%. Of all the agriculture land in the united states, 87% is used to raise animals for food. It takes 2,500 gallons of water to produce a pound of meat, but only 25 gallons to produce a pound of wheat. Carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide together cause the vast majority of global warming. Producing a little more than 2 pounds of beef causes more greenhouse gas emissions than driving a small car for three hours. The environmental protection agency reports that approximately 80 percent of ammonia emissions in the U.S. Comes from animal waste. Consuming and producing meat predominately affects the quality and quantity of the earths water. Eating animals will eventually destroy the environment and hurt the population in a tremendous way. The last reason for not eating meat is for the benefit of peoples health. A vegetarian diet decreases the chance of cancer and diabetes in both men and women. According to an article in the journal of the national cancer institute, women who eat meat daily are more likely to develop breast cancer. Vegetarians have also shown to have lower blood pressure, better digestion, and more energy than humans with a meat based diet. Not eating meat will also reduce your risk of a food-born illness. The cdc reports that food-born illnesses account for over 325,000 hospitalizations and 5,000 deaths in the united states. Finally, eating less or even no meat will reduce the risks of heart attacks and other heart related conditions. Not eating meat will improve the quality of life and further prevent sickness. There is no way to ethically eat animals. Every day there are millions of animals being tortured and killed just so the humans population can enjoy them. The environment, our health, and our morals are all reasons to become a vegetarian. Peta once said â€Å"The only time factory animals get to feel the warmth of the sun on their backs or breath in fresh air is when they are loaded onto trucks bound for slaughter.† These animals will never get to raise families or roll around in the grass and feel the sun beaming on their face. They are crammed in tiny cages until the day they are killed to be feed to someone to enjoy. The lives of animals are just as important as humans lives and becoming a vegetarian will help many innocent animals. If you don’t like to feel pain and sorrow, why would they? How to cite Humans, Papers

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